Summer Street Shooting for Umoro

After all these years, street shoots are still alive and well. When you need to switch it up and need a real challenge, the streets will always provide you with ample stress. When summer hit’s here in Toronto, I do my best to take advantage of the good weather. The summers aren’t too long and the weather is perfect to explore all the nooks of the city. It was Canada Day, so the city is mostly dead. This would be the best time to explore the University of Toronto without getting in trouble. I am old now and I don’t think I can pass as a student anymore.

gfx50s, Umoro, toronto, UofT, street, style

Street shooting is all about wondering and letting locations and scenes open themselves up to you. On the drive in, an alleyway caught my eye. After shooting near where we parked, we ventured into that alleyway. There we found many textures and interesting light to work with. Slow shutter work is always risky, but not every image needs to be sharp. This particular jacket has a unique tear away zipper. I was trying to convey the action of opening the jacket.

gfx50s, Umoro, toronto, UofT, street, style

When it comes to street shooting, I pack very little. The only item really is the camera. I don't bring lights or reflectors. I intend to move quickly and get as much variation. I also know we aren’t always welcome everywhere we choose to shoot so the smaller the footprint, the most likely no one will bother you. Instead of lugging a flash (although I would love to) I hunt for good or interesting light. I am no longer afraid of hard light when I find it, with the Fujifilm GFX50S, there is forgiveness in the highs and lows.

gfx50s, Umoro, toronto, UofT, street, style

Speaking of light, the best time to shoot would be the evening or early morning. Everything from the colors to the long shadows from the low angle of the sun really changes how everything looks. At this time, I’m usually in a rush to get as much as I can be fore the sun dips or gets too high. Speaking of street photography, I have to plan a solo shoot and really try some new techniques before the summer is over.

Model: Mark Gallardo

Shot for: UMORO

Street Photography with the Fujifilm GFX 50s

It has been a long time since scheduling off an afternoon to wonder the street. Street photography was the tool I used to get familiar with new gear and techniques. This time, it was gear, the Fujifilm GFX 50s. The camera is particularly slow and out of its element for quick focus acquisition, but once you figure out that it's you who must slow down, each shot composed is almost a masterpiece. Taking the time to stop and figure out why this scene caught your eye is what street photography is about. This time, with the GFX 50s, there is no fear of blown out highlights or lost shadows. Going medium format is freedom. 

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