Antonio has been a long time friend ever since we worked together at Bold Magazine. We collaborated on multiple articles for years. I learned of his artwork at this time and photographed his work in the past. Since taking up videography, I asked if I could make a small piece about his passion for art. Antonio is a mixed media artist with a wide variety of expressive work. I only had a chance to capture some of these mediums but regardless, it was amazing to see.
This video would be the first time I use Nikon’s new ProRes RAW feature. I rushed into Nikon so I can have the camera upgraded before the shoot. They would get it done in a couple of hours but send me home with someone else’s camera. I know this could happen to anyone but, it's just my luck that I would have to go back to across the city to exchange the camera. It was worth the effort because along with the increased file sizes, the amount of information you get from this new file format is unbelievable.
The interview portion was a tough scene where there is a bright window behind Antonio. I was able to bring it back a bit so it wasn't completely white. I was also able to save Antonio from being a silhouette with lighting. When working with a typical video file it is very limiting. Typically, you are forced to make your compromises in camera. I still strive to get my exposure correct in the camera. Even with a histogram/waveform and multiple monitors, you can still fail to nail that exposure. Having the ability to make extreme adjustments in post-production is a welcomed upgrade. We have this flexibility in a photo with RAW files, but now with video, we can capture more and faster. Mind you, we do pay for it with data storage where this project was about 400gb.