A hobby is an activity that keeps the creativity flowing within us. @nicholoplaza designs and creates functional leather goods. Outside of a full-time job, he finds the time to refine his craft. The need to improve on existing designs and the option of multiple materials make this more than a passion.
These videos are personal projects that help me build my skills in all areas such as sound design, interviews, new camera techniques, and lighting. Throwing yourself into the deep end can help to force you to learn and adapt. There are great tips from friends who currently work in an industry that has helped tremendously. I have never been afraid to ask, because not asking sets you back. Just a couple of sentences from a seasoned professional can set you up for success.
On this shoot, I experimented with different lighting set up than usual. On Nicholo, there is a gridded strip bank that keeps most of the light on him. On the top shelf, I managed to put a hair light to help separate him from the background. I Introduced a haze machine to help hide a bit of the background. Haze helps set a mood as well. I would recommend a hazer to anyone out there. A little bit goes a long way.
As always, from every shoot, there are things I would have done differently but on to the next project..